Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Handling a Website

Initially, I thought that being a web developer is the easiest thing in the world. All you have to do is create an interesting website, pay to put it online, and work one week per year. Simple right?

Unfortunately, that is not how the system works at all.

First and foremost, you have to write a blog everyday and promote your website to make sure you have a steady amount of visitors throughout. I never really believed that I could write a single decent blog entry in my life.

Here we are and so far I feel like I am doing a good job. And that is what I love about my job. It pushes me to do things that I never would have thought that I could have done.

The important technique that I am using in being a web developer is to wait for a problem before solving it. Had I anticipated that I am required to do something more than working one week per year, I wouldn't have launched my website yet up to now. The key is not being paranoid, In handling a business like this, one must solve problems one by one. Slowly but surely as they say.

Then, when people comment on your blog (shenanigans), you have to be able to engage with them friendly.

The list can go on and on. The point is to promote your website as much as you can.

Hopefully, my website will become popular and become a successful web developer.

For now, let me know what you think and we can discuss them on the comments below.

Sunday, May 29, 2016

The importance of serving the world through art and images

Just as on my first blog, I emphasize on the importance of giving people the chance to share their art on the internet. People want to be able to share their creativity to as much people as possible.

Programmers like me need to understand that it is imperative for us to realize our responsibility to give people avenues to share their talent to make this world a better place. Google and YouTube has proven that. We need more sites like them to enable efficiency to as much people as possible.

We should continue improving everything through technology.

Saturday, May 28, 2016

Javascript turned on or off, theclarky.com will function similarly

Previously, having a javascript on on your browser means great nightmare. They can be an open door for source of viruses and/or other scary stuff.

That is why most people become used to turning their javascript off to avoid getting their computers compromised.

Today, although the threat of javascript has decreased, I am proud to share to you that theclarky.com can be used with or without javascript turned on.

I can't really tell the exact advantage of this feature right now. All I heard is that there are plenty of people who can appreciate this.

So, remember, whether you have your javascript turned on or off on your browser, theclarky.com will function similarly.

Friday, May 27, 2016

theClarky.com as an image hosting website

On the previous blog post, I discussed one of my main inspirations for making theclarky.com. On this post I will discuss another purpose of theclarky.com which is to be an image hosting website.

An image hosting website offers a service which is to pave a way for users to upload their pictures online.

Imagine you want to upload an image on the internet. It is easy to do it if you are on facebook because there is already an easy way to upload pictures there and almost everyone knows how to do it these days.

However, when you are on a site where there is no "Upload button" just as it is on facebook, how are you going to upload your image online?

The answer is to use an image hosting website. An image hosting website is your "Upload button" everywhere on the internet.

All you have to do is to follow the instructions on the image hosting website on how to upload the image that you have.

In the case of theclarky.com it is very easy. Simply go to theclarky.com's Upload Page which is located on theclarky.com/u.php.

Then, select the image you want to upload by clicking the appropriate button there; put an accurate description on the description box; and hit the upload button.

Lastly, keep the URL so you can use it anywhere on the internet. It is super easy.

Thursday, May 26, 2016

Share your images to the world!

I have created a website that allows users to upload any image on the internet for everyone to see. To learn more about this, check out theclarky.com and see the instructions posted there on my terms and conditions

A lot of the people that I conversed with who just saw my website asked about the "purpose" of my website. They are curious about why I have created this website in the first place.

Honestly, one of the the main inspirations for creating the site is to give opportunity(ies) for any artist to genuinely post their art online. And that is the topic that I want to talk about today.

How do I want to accomplish that?

First, before you can upload anything on my website, you have to provide a description for it. This description would be useful when users search for any image on theclarky.com.

For example, if I were a photographer who just took a photo of a beautiful bird and I want people to be able to find this on the internet, I would provide a description of this image that is "beautiful bird." This way, anyone who would search "beautiful bird" and/or "bird" may find this photo of mine on theclarky.com.

The same goes whether you are a drawer and/or other stuff.

The main idea is to provide an accurate description for your image(s) so it can be found easily (Moreover, you can keep the link that will be provided for every uploaded image so you can access the image through it).

So if you are an artist who simply want to share your work online, my website theclarky.com is perfect for you!

Start now!

Visit theclarky.com! Don't be shy.

Please share this to your friends.